Monday, 11 May 2015

Kid's Play

Morning all,
Hope you had a good weekend. Mine was fab, all day class where we made some stunning projects as always. Lots of laughter, fine food and fabulous fun with a group of lovely ladies. Special guest this month was Sue McDonald, Thanks for joining us, hope you enjoyed it Sue.

I've had to share Sue's picture of one of the projects as mine got a little battered on the way home.

Sue then stayed Over and we had a massive clear out of the Den. Amazing what you find when you tidy up your crafting space! 

Then Sunday morning crafting, we made a Peppa Pig card. hope you like it x

Have a good week, happy crafting, make time for you as always, it's REALLY important. Don't forget 2/6/15 is the NEW catalogue release. Promise you some gorgeous goodies as ever. Dont forget to visit for some sneak peaks.

Doodlebird xx 

Monday, 4 May 2015

What a Weekend!

Hello everyone

After a fabulous and hectic holiday in Disney Paris,to celebrate Hayden's 4th birthday (hence the lack of blogs) it's back to reality with a bang. 

Had a very busy weekend creating for a craft Fayre at my church today as its Bank Holiday Monday and it's one of our annual fundraising events. Always popular.

Loved my Skype time with crazy penguin Pam Irwin (who flies over on 14/5 to join us for two weeks) and continual chat with Sue McDonald. Isn't technology great!

Anyway here are some of the makes, using the retiring painted petals for the gift sets, odds and ends of Designer series,paper for the mini notes and stack packs for the tic tac holders. 

Hope you like them and they are a sell out at today's event.

Hope whatever you're doing you're having fun and making time for you.

Doodlebird x